Oil Painting
Mixed Media
Private lessons are specifically geared towards and continually tailored for the student’s individual needs and goals. We may work together to refine, deepen, and expand ongoing projects, or to learn new technical skills and explore your ideas and content. I believe that strong drawing skills are fundamental to all artistic pursuits, so we often begin there, or supplement other projects with continued refinement of drawing abilities. My own training and interest in classical realism informs the way I teach; I believe well-developed skill opens the door for expansive creativity.
Whether you are just starting out as a beginner and eager to advance, or working on expanding your existing skill set, or delving into the personal and conceptual underpinnings of your creative work, focused private instruction greatly facilitate advances in skill, confidence, and creativity.
Lessons are held in my home in northwest Arvada, CO.
Private lessons range from 90 minutes (with the focus on one or two aspects of a project) to three hours (more involved work with a variety of goals and demonstrations) or more, if requested. The most common schedule is two hour sessions every other week.
Private critique sessions are one hour.
Small group drawing/painting sessions for 3-4 students are generally three or four hours.
Guided group lessons may be scheduled at other locations by request. Pricing varies according to group size.
Fees: $85/hr for individual lessons (or $80/hr for consecutive hours).
$40/hr per student for groups of 3-4.
Please email me for availability.
Virtual lessons may be available—I evaluate fit on a case by case basis. This includes feedback, meetings, critiques, digital drawing/painting edits and advice (via iPad layovers), or writing/editing work. Please contact me to discuss.

Before I met Robin, I was in a season of my education during which I struggled to finish any drawings or paintings. I lacked the technical skill to bring my ambitious ideas to life and I lived in a cycle of discouragement. As my teacher and mentor, Robin taught me the foundations of technical artistic skill and an entirely new way of seeing that gave me a freedom of expression in my work. Instead of shying away from the challenges of art-making, I learned a variety of methods and approaches that are now at the core of my creative process. My work began to improve rapidly, along with my confidence.
Beyond her prolific abilities as a teacher, Robin generously offers insight and practical tools for life as a working artist, from applying to residencies and writing grants to toning and building my own surfaces. She is an expert in all areas of her craft.
With Robin’s continued mentorship and example, I've seen that it is not only possible, but realistic and deeply fulfilling to pursue a professional career in Fine Art.
Student, Mentee (drawing, painting)
To work privately with Robin as her student was a special experience. Her ability to communicate artistic instruction at the student's own level of expertise enables us to integrate teachings quickly. Robin was instrumental in helping me exponentially improve my drawing skills and considerably deepen my ability to see into a picture or painting, thus offering avenues or ways to go about solving its technical difficulties. Perhaps most importantly, however, is that embedded in Robin's teaching is a striking generosity of spirit and desire to help—intrinsic to her—that energetically conveys to her students an unconscious encouragement to strive toward realizing whatever latent potential may lie within them.
Student, artist, psychologist
It was a pleasure learning from Robin. She was a very patient and great teacher who sparked a new love and understanding of portrait and live drawing for me. Her teachings made me realize my potential and helped me improve my art greatly. As a person who has had many art teachers, I can say that Robin is one of the best art mentors anyone can get.
High school student